1 Peter 1:1-12 – Count your blessings, by Rev. Colin Pretorius.
This morning we’re going to count just some of the blessings with which our gracious Lord has blessed us. And the blessings that Peter points out in these 12 verses are ours because we be¬long to Jesus. These are the sevenfold blessings of being in Christ Jesus – seven ways that Peter tells us that we are blessed if Jesus is Lord and Saviour of our lives:
1. The blessing of God’s calling and election to salvation (v1-2)
2. The blessing of new birth (v3)
3. The blessing of living hope (v3)
4. The blessing of a secure inheritance (v4)
5. The blessing of God’s protection (v5)
6. The blessing of suffering for the sake of Christ (v6-9)
7. The blessing of the grace of God (v10-12)