Seek ye first the kingdom of God – a sermon on James 4:1-3 by Rev. Colin Pretorius. This passage has different titles in our various English translations: submit yourself to God, drawing close to God, warning against worldliness, friendship with the world, or things to avoid.[1] The first 12 verses comprise all of those things […]
1 Peter 3:7 – Husbands, live in understanding with your wives, by Rev. Colin Pretorius. I recently heard about a young man who met a girl at uni. He didn’t know much about her but from what he could see in class, she was quite intelligent and self-assured – and it didn’t hurt that she […]
1 Peter 3:1-6 – Wives, be subject to your own husbands, by Rev. Colin Pretorius. “All marriages are happy,” someone once said, “but it’s the living together afterwards that causes all the trouble!”[1] Friends, those of us who have been married for some time know that the bonds that hold a lasting marriage together are […]