Cutting straight with God’s Word – a sermon on 2 Timothy 2:14-19 by Rev. Colin Pretorius. I have a family member who just loves to stir. At times it seems as if he rejoices in making people uncomfortable. At other times it appears he just wants to impress everyone with his knowledge – for he […]
Hallelujah! – a sermon on Psalm 146 by Rev. Colin Pretorius. Just yesterday someone said to me that for some people it’s perhaps a good thing to wear a mask in church so that the sound of their singing voices can be a bit muffled. And for some of us with poor singing voices that’s […]
The people of God are devoted – a sermon on Acts 2:42-47 by Rev. Colin Pretorius. It was just after Pentecost. The disciples had been filled with the Holy Spirit. God’s Spirit rested on them and filled them. And then, filled with the Holy Spirit and with words anointed by Him, Peter started preaching. It […]
The marks of a true Christian – a sermon on 1 John 5:1-5 by Rev. Ralph Adams. Beloved Congregation of our Lord Jesus Christ, the title of my sermon this morning is THE MARKS OF A TRUE CHRISTIAN. To discover what this is about, we are going to look at chapter five of John’s first […]
We are living in the last days! – a sermon on 2 Timothy 3:1-9 by Rev. Colin Pretorius. What would you do if you found out tomorrow that you had just a short time to live? What advice would you give your kids or your husband or your wife? Would you just remind them of […]
Three types of faith – A sermon on Luke 7:1-10 by Rev. Colin Pretorius. So often, when sermons are preached on the healing miracles of Jesus, His healing of the centurion’s slave is used as an example of how Jesus could heal at a distance. He doesn’t have to see you or touch you, and […]
Jesus is the Good Shepherd – a sermon on John 10:11-21 by Rev. Colin Pretorius If you’ve ever been to one of those massive farms or stations we have here in Australia, you’ll have seen how farmers herd their sheep. They get on motorbikes or even utes and drive the sheep ahead of them. It’s […]
A Mother’s Faith – a sermon on 2 Timothy 1:1-10 by Rev Ralph Adams.
God stirs His people to build – a sermon on Ezra 5:1-2 and Haggai 1:1-11 by Rev. Craig van Echten
This Body’s Got Spirit – a sermon read by Br. Gary Vowles, written by Rev. Sjirk Bajema on Acts 1 and Lord’s Day 21. Brothers and sisters, young people, boys and girls. The verses we read in Acts 1:12-26 tell us about a time in-between. The believers are waiting. Though small in number, they know […]
Come and kiss the Son – a sermon on Psalm 2 by Rev. Colin Pretorius. In the early part of the 20th century, a young Russian peasant boy was dutifully taught the Word of God by his parents and grandparents.[1] This young man later recalled how he was taught to kneel and pray and it […]
Four unexpected blessings – a sermon on Luke 6:17-26 by Rev. Colin Pretorius. What a world it is that we live in! Yes, there are wonderful people out there involved in fighting for things like justice for the poor or for refugees or for the rights of children. But in general that’s not what the […]
Doing good to all – a sermon by Rev. Renier Noppers on Galatians 6, read by Br. Gary Vowles. One of the most hurtful charges that could ever be made against any church is that we have consideration only of ourselves, meeting our own needs without any thought or regard for anyone else. To live […]
Scatterlings live and serve in humility – a sermon on 1 Peter 5:1-11 by Rev. Colin Pretorius. The sermon today, as you may have guessed from the sermon title, has to do with humility. And as we look at what humility means and how it plays out in the life of believers, I’d like you […]
Help for the weary – a sermon on Isaiah 40:27-31 by Rev. Ralph Adams. This sermon is a second from Isaiah 40, this time from the end of the chapter – verses 27 to 31: 27 Why do you say, O Jacob, and speak, O Israel, “My way is hidden from the LORD, and my […]
Only those who submit to God will be lifted up – a sermon on James 4:7-10 by Rev. Colin Pretorius. The theme of our verses in James is submission to God, or humility before God. When you read through the book of James, you cannot help but to be struck by its intensely practical nature. […]
Scatterling-elders shepherd God’s flock with a servant heart – a sermon on 1 Peter 5:1-11 by Rev. Colin Pretorius. If it is your first time with us today or if you’ve missed the past dozen or so sermons, you might be wondering what this scatterling –thing is all about. What is this scatterling-elders that I’m […]
Seek ye first the kingdom of God – a sermon on James 4:1-3 by Rev. Colin Pretorius. This passage has different titles in our various English translations: submit yourself to God, drawing close to God, warning against worldliness, friendship with the world, or things to avoid.[1] The first 12 verses comprise all of those things […]
Scatterlings are made for this. A sermon on 1 Peter 4:7-11 by Rev. Colin Pretorius. I know some of you like camping and doing all sorts of outdoorsy things, so you may appreciate the brief story I’d like to share with you.[1] Some years ago a young family went on a camping trip to a […]
Scatterlings live for the will of God – a sermon on 1 Peter 4 by Rev. Colin Pretorius. What do you live for? What’s your aim in life? What do you want to achieve? Is it to pass your final year in school so you can get out of the house into the big wide […]
Christ the almond branch – a sermon on Numbers 17, written by the Rev J. Westendorp and read by Br. Brendan Strasser.
Living out our faith in the crucible of life – a sermon on James 1 by Rev. Colin Pretorius. So far 2020 has been a year of challenges, hasn’t it! Some said that this year we just had three months – January, February and Covid. And that third month has been one drawn out challenge […]
Be Still and know – a sermon on Psalm 46 by Rev. Colin Pretorius. Martin Luther is perhaps best known today for his “rediscovery” of the doctrine of justification by faith alone, which of course was a cornerstone of the Reformation. But what is perhaps less well-known is that he loved the psalms and found […]
God’s Word at work in believers – a sermon by Rev. Ralph Adams on 1 Thessalonians 2:13. Dennis Prager, of Prager University, once asked atheist philosopher Jonathon Glover this pointed question: “Professor Glover, just say your car broke down at midnight, stranding you in a desolate back-city street. Then, as you step from your car […]
1 Peter 3:8-12 – Scatterlings live in the the light of the cross. A sermon by Rev. Colin Pretorius. I once read that life is like an elevator ride – it not only has a lot of ups and downs, but it’s also filled with people who push all the wrong buttons. And if we’re […]
1 Peter 2:13-25 – Scatterlings show their love for God by submitting to authority. A sermon by Rev. Colin Pretorius. If you’ve ever watched cage-fighting in what is called mixed martial arts, you’ll have seen how the fighters try to beat up their opponents. This often happens by knockout. Very seldom the fight is determined […]
1 Peter 2:9-12 – Scatterlings are God’s people, who live to glorify Him. A sermon by Rev. Colin Pretorius. About halfway into the first act of the stage production of the musical Les Miserables, the paroled convict Jean Valjean confesses his identity in the song “Who am I?”[1] If you’ve seen the show or perhaps […]
From Lament to praise – a sermon on Psalm 13 by Rev. Colin Pretorius. Some say there’s a Chinese curse that goes something like “may you live in interesting times” … and the past couple of months have certainly been interesting, haven’t they! The country as a whole has been hit by the bombshell of […]
1 Peter 2:1-3 – God’s chosen scatterlings desire His Word, by Rev. Colin Pretorius. How important is the Bible to you? As Christians we believe that it is the Word of God, don’t we, but how important is it really to us? How much time do we spend in it? How much time have you […]
The chosen exiles – the scatterlings of God – are called to love each other. A sermon on 1 Peter 1:22-25 by Rev. Colin Pretorius. In her book The Hiding Place, Corrie ten Boom recalls meeting a guard from the concentration camp in which her sister had died and where she herself had been subjected […]