The whisper of God’s love

The whisper of God’s love – a sermon on Ruth 1-4 by Rev. Colin Pretorius. The theme this morning is “The whisper of God’s love” Earlier in August and September we looked at the book of Ruth, and we saw how the story behind the book is the story of how God was working not […]

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God redeems His people

God redeems His people – a sermon on Ruth 4 by Rev. Colin Pretorius. Let’s start with a brief recap of the story so far. A famine in Judah causes Elimelech and his family to seek greener pastures in Moab. There he and his two sons die, leaving Naomi with just her two Moabite daughters-in-law. […]

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Redemption is at hand!

Redemption is at hand! – a sermon on Ruth 3 by Rev. Colin Pretorius The bitter widow Naomi has returned to Bethlehem from Moab, bringing Ruth, her Moabite daughter-in-law, with her. Ruth has accepted Israel’s covenant God as her God, and she’s supported Naomi by collecting left-overs in the barley and wheat harvests. She’s been […]

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The Caring, Saving and Sovereign God – a sermon on Ruth 2 by Rev. Colin Pretorius. Sally was a young Christian girl and, like many young girls, she dreamt of meeting the right guy and getting married. She had a lot of plans and dreams, which included becoming a pianist. When she met Harry at […]

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Irresistible grace – the I of TULIP

Irresistible grace – the I of TULIP – a sermon on John 6:44 by Rev. Ralph Adams. Congregation of the Lord Jesus Christ, the title of my sermon this morning is ‘Irresistible Grace’… the ‘I’ of TULIP. Speaking of this, some detractors have said that we Calvinists tie salvation up into too neat and logical […]

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Hear, O Israel!

Hear, O Israel! – a sermon on Deuteronomy 6:4-9 by Rev. Colin Pretorius. This morning we’re looking at a very well-known passage of God’s Word. As a Bible-study group we’ve been working our way through this passage over a number of weeks, and we found it extremely profitable. If you’ve attended the Bible study, I […]

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Cutting straight with God’s Word

Cutting straight with God’s Word – a sermon on 2 Timothy 2:14-19 by Rev. Colin Pretorius. I have a family member who just loves to stir. At times it seems as if he rejoices in making people uncomfortable. At other times it appears he just wants to impress everyone with his knowledge – for he […]

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Hallelujah! – a sermon on Psalm 146 by Rev. Colin Pretorius. Just yesterday someone said to me that for some people it’s perhaps a good thing to wear a mask in church so that the sound of their singing voices can be a bit muffled. And for some of us with poor singing voices that’s […]

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The people of God are devoted

The people of God are devoted – a sermon on Acts 2:42-47 by Rev. Colin Pretorius. It was just after Pentecost. The disciples had been filled with the Holy Spirit. God’s Spirit rested on them and filled them. And then, filled with the Holy Spirit and with words anointed by Him, Peter started preaching. It […]

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The marks of a true Christian

The marks of a true Christian – a sermon on 1 John 5:1-5 by Rev. Ralph Adams. Beloved Congregation of our Lord Jesus Christ, the title of my sermon this morning is THE MARKS OF A TRUE CHRISTIAN.   To discover what this is about, we are going to look at chapter five of John’s first […]

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The last words of Moses give us peace – a sermon on Deuteronomy 33:27a by Rev. Colin Pretorius. The eternal God is your dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms. Let me start this morning by telling you the story of a soldier who was captured and was sentenced to death by firing squad. […]

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We are living in the last days!

We are living in the last days! – a sermon on 2 Timothy 3:1-9 by Rev. Colin Pretorius. What would you do if you found out tomorrow that you had just a short time to live? What advice would you give your kids or your husband or your wife? Would you just remind them of […]

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Three types of faith

Three types of faith – A sermon on Luke 7:1-10 by Rev. Colin Pretorius. So often, when sermons are preached on the healing miracles of Jesus, His healing of the centurion’s slave is used as an example of how Jesus could heal at a distance. He doesn’t have to see you or touch you, and […]

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Jesus is the Good Shepherd

Jesus is the Good Shepherd – a sermon on John 10:11-21 by Rev. Colin Pretorius If you’ve ever been to one of those massive farms or stations we have here in Australia, you’ll have seen how farmers herd their sheep. They get on motorbikes or even utes and drive the sheep ahead of them. It’s […]

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The Lord reigns!

The Lord reigns! – a sermon on Psalm 93 by Rev. Colin Pretorius. If you drive a couple of hours south from Auckland you get to the Waitomo district. The most famous attraction of the area is the Waitomo caves. In addition to its soaring limestone caverns and rock formations, there’s also an underwater lake. […]

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This Body’s Got Spirit

This Body’s Got Spirit – a sermon read by Br. Gary Vowles, written by Rev. Sjirk Bajema on Acts 1 and Lord’s Day 21. Brothers and sisters, young people, boys and girls. The verses we read in Acts 1:12-26 tell us about a time in-between. The believers are waiting. Though small in number, they know […]

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From Passover to Lord’s Supper

From Passover to Lord’s Supper – a sermon on Luke 22:1-23 by Rev. Colin Pretorius. Symbols and signs are important things in our lives. They’re used to tell us things – such as to stop at an intersection. There are also status symbols – such as a luxury German car or a Rolex watch. But […]

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Christ has indeed been raised from the dead – a sermon on 1 Corinthians 15:1-28 by Rev. Ralph Adams. In what is possibly the most devastating experience I’ve ever had, I was with my wife at the bedside of our son Troy… when doctors at St Vincent’s hospital in Sydney, told us that Troy was […]

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It is finished!

It is finished! – a sermon on Good Friday on John 19:16b-30 by Rev. Colin Pretorius. It is the Day of Preparation – the day before the Sabbath – almost 2000 years ago. Across Judea, life goes on as normal. People eat and drink as they would any other day. In the marketplaces people barter […]

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Come and kiss the Son

Come and kiss the Son – a sermon on Psalm 2 by Rev. Colin Pretorius. In the early part of the 20th century, a young Russian peasant boy was dutifully taught the Word of God by his parents and grandparents.[1] This young man later recalled how he was taught to kneel and pray and it […]

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Four unexpected blessings

Four unexpected blessings – a sermon on Luke 6:17-26 by Rev. Colin Pretorius. What a world it is that we live in! Yes, there are wonderful people out there involved in fighting for things like justice for the poor or for refugees or for the rights of children. But in general that’s not what the […]

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God is good!

God is Good! – a sermon on James 1:16-18 by Rev Colin Pretorius In the church-based TV show “Greenleaf” the characters greet each other with “God is good” and the response is “All the time”. Despite the fact that almost all of the people in this show are so “plastic”, so superficial, this customary greeting […]

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