Honourable vessels are useful to the Master – a sermon on 2 Timothy 2:20-26 by Rev. Colin Pretorius. When Leonardo da Vinci was painting The Last Supper, he sought long in the churches of Rome for a model for Jesus. At last he settled on Pietro Bandinelli, a noble young man who was quite lovely […]

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Remember! – a sermon on 2 Timothy 2:8-13 by Rev. Colin Pretorius. There’s a condition that afflicts a large number of people. It’s a condition that affects young people, especially teenagers. It causes them to lose their memory. I mean, how often as a mom or a dad have you had to ask your children […]

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Cutting straight with God’s Word

Cutting straight with God’s Word – a sermon on 2 Timothy 2:14-19 by Rev. Colin Pretorius. I have a family member who just loves to stir. At times it seems as if he rejoices in making people uncomfortable. At other times it appears he just wants to impress everyone with his knowledge – for he […]

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We are living in the last days!

We are living in the last days! – a sermon on 2 Timothy 3:1-9 by Rev. Colin Pretorius. What would you do if you found out tomorrow that you had just a short time to live? What advice would you give your kids or your husband or your wife? Would you just remind them of […]

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